Tuesday 14th of March
“My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you.”
John 15: 12-13
Jesus has set the bar very high. He has called us to love others the way that we have been loved by Him. What does it mean to lay down our life for another? We may think that we have to do something dramatic like dying for the other person. But laying down our lives can be done in small things as well as in big things.
We can die to our selfishness by putting the other person’s needs first. We can die to our pride by reaching out to someone, even when they might reject us. Jesus showed how He loved His friends every day that He was with them. By loving them in small ways, He built up to showing His love in the ultimate way by dying on the cross. We can build up to greater acts of love like an athlete builds up to a high jump. An athlete trains and competes and achieves personal best performances. Then they achieve goals that they never thought were possible. Jesus, please help us to use You as our model of love for others, so that day by day, we can achieve your standard.