Monday 12th of August “They will put the Son of Man to death.” Matthew 17:22-27 This passage reminds us that our lives will not end in death. If we live in Christ, we shall also rise with Him. We may be
2024-08-11 weekly Reading 6
Sunday 11th of August “Forgive each other as readily as God forgave you.” Ephesians 4:30-5:2 Today, we are invited to reflect on the kind of relationship we have with others. St Paul, in his letter to the Ephesians, encourages his community
2024-08-10 Weekly Reading 5
Saturday 10th of August “God loves a cheerful giver.” 2 Corinthians 9:6-10 St. Paul calls on us to be generous with our brothers and sisters, for “God loves a cheerful giver.” When we give to others, it often implies sacrifice
2024-08-09 Weekly Reading 4
Friday 9th of August “Anyone who loses his life for my sake will find it.” Matthew 16:24-28 We are reminded in this passage that it is not a smooth ride to follow Jesus. That it takes sacrifice. What is it
2024-08-08 Weekly Reading 3
Thursday 8th of August Saint Mary of the Cross (MacKillop) “Be clothed in love.” Colossians 3:12-17 St Paul writing to the Colossians assures them that God has chosen them and loves them. He encourages them to take on the qualities
2024-08-07 Weekly Reading 2
Wednesday 7th of August “You shall be rebuilt, virgin of Israel.” Jeremiah 31:1-7 Regardless of our feelings of vulnerability, unworthiness, or fragility, Jesus’ love remains constant and unconditional. He desires to rebuild and transform us into better versions of ourselves. All
2024-08-06 Weekly Reading 1
Tuesday 6th of August The Transfiguration of the Lord “This is my Son, the Beloved.” Mark 9:2-10 Peter, James and John must have felt very privileged. Jesus chose them as his closest disciples to share an intimate experience. Jesus was
2024-07-29- Weekly Reading 7
Monday 29th of July Saints Martha, Mary and Lazarus “Martha works; Mary listens.” Luke 10:38-42 Jesus spoke to Mary and Martha as He did because at one time or another we are all like Martha. Life is so busy it’s
2024-07-28 – Weekly Reading 6
Sunday 28th of July “The feeding of the five thousand.” John 6:1-15 In today’s gospel, Jesus sits down to take a breather with the disciples. However, his break did not last long. We are told that when Jesus saw a
2024-07-27 – Weekly Reading 5
Saturday 27th of July “Let them both grow til the harvest.” Matthew 13:24-30 Today, Jesus reminds us that the kingdom of heaven can be compared to a good seed growing next to weeds. Jesus has planted good seeds in us.