Thursday 2nd of January “One is coming after me who existed before me.” John 1:19-28 Today’s reading on the testimony of John the Baptist answers a few key questions – who are you? Why do you do what you do? For
Weekly Reading 2
Wednesday 1st of January Mary, Mother of the God “The shepherd hurried to Bethlehem and found the baby lying in the manger.” Luke 2:16-21 On this first day of 2025, we are invited to be like the shepherds and hurry
Weekly Reading 1
Tuesday 31st of December “The Word was made flesh and lived among us.” John: 1:1-18 Why did Jesus come among us as a helpless baby? He could have appeared for the first time at the Transfiguration. The Jews would have been
Weekly Reading 7
Monday 23rd of December “’His name is John” Luke 1:57-66 Like John the Baptist, we were also born with a purpose. We have our own special mission in life, which was given to us from birth. Part of our mission
Weekly Reading 6
Sunday 22nd of December 4th week of Advent “Why should I be honoured with a visit from the mother of my Lord?” Luke 1:39-45 Today, we are invited to meditate on the willingness and generosity of Mother Mary to accept
Weekly Reading 5
Saturday 21st of December “See how my beloved come, leaping on the mountains.” Song of Songs 2:8-14 John the Baptist is one of the “precursors” during this Season of Advent. In the liturgy readings, we have heard how John is
Weekly Reading 4
Friday 20th of December “The maiden is with child.” Isaiah 7:10-14 This passage is within a conversation between Ahaz and the prophet Isaiah. The prophet is telling Ahaz about the imminent attack by the surrounding neighbours. But Ahaz does not
Weekly Reading 3
Thursday 19th of December “’Your wife Elizabeth will bear a son.” Luke 1:5-25 In today’s reading, we see that Elizabeth and Zechariah’s prayer for a child was finally answered, in a way that there would be no doubt it was
Weekly Reading 2
Wednesday 18th of December “How Jesus Christ came to be born.” Matthew 1:18-24 Many of us can get caught up in preparing and planning for Christmas gatherings, shopping, and holidays and may then forget the true meaning of Christmas and the
Weekly Reading 1
Tuesday 17th of December The ancestry of Jesus Christ, the son of David. Matthew 1:1-17 Why does St Matthew start his gospel with the ancestry of Jesus? St Matthew was writing to the Jews, whereas St Luke was writing to the