Monday 8th of January

The Baptism of the Lord

 “You are my son the beloved, my favour rests on you.”

Mark 1:7-11

Today is the feast of the baptism of our Lord Jesus. Jesus’ baptism gives us a window into a powerful religious moment. Jesus knows his identity. The imprint of the Spirit has sealed his life. We need to ask our Lord to constantly remind us that we too bear His seal of approval. We are marked by His Spirit and called to participate in His mission as His beloved sons or daughters. As Roman Catholics, it is an honour that we already accepted Christ Jesus through our baptism.

Baptism is the mark that connects us to our Saviour. Faith, hope and love are our signatures in serving others. To serve our fellowmen means serving Jesus. Jesus is in our brothers, sisters, parents, neighbours, and everything around us. We only need to open our inner eyes to see what lies ahead of us. John the Baptist was clear about his identity and his role, which was to prepare the way for Jesus. Are we as clear as John? Let us all start this new year by always being vigilant in living out our baptism and proclaiming the word of God.

2024-01-08 Weekly Reading 7