Saturday 9th of March
“Have mercy on me, God in your goodness.”
Psalm 51: 1-19
As we know, lent is a time of repentance, humbly acknowledging our guilt, and resolving to change. Psalm 51 can help us on this journey of repentance. As you pray today, read the passage slowly. Become aware of God’s loving and merciful presence before us. A presence not looking to judge or condemn us but seeking to draw us closer to himself. What words, lines or verses strike you? Talk to God about this. We don’t have to fear revealing our sins to God; he already knows us.
We can humbly join the Psalmist and pray, “God blot out all my guilt. A clean heart create for me O God, renew in me a steadfast spirit.” Are we aware of what needs to be cleansed in our hearts? Let us take advantage of this season of grace, allowing God to purify our hearts so that we can welcome the new life that he wants to give us this Easter.