Thursday 25th of May
“Father, may they be completely one”
John 17:20-26
In today’s reading, Jesus’ own prayer is for all of humanity to be one. To be united in heart and mind, just as Jesus is united to the Father. In our world today, there is much division and disunity. But the heart of God is for us to be united and to share in his divine life. And the way we remain united to Jesus is through prayer. Do we experience unity with God? When Jesus prayed, he said, “Father, they are your gift to me”. Do we see ourselves as a gift to Jesus? Do we receive the love he has for us?
Today, let us be united to Jesus in our own prayer for unity, in our families, our parishes, our workplaces, communities and in our world. May we remain united to Jesus, the true vine, and let his love be what leads us to become more united to those around us today.