Thursday 22nd of June
“How to pray.”
Matthew 6:7-15
In today’s passage, Jesus teaches us how to pray. He says ‘do not babble like thepagans’. Thankfully, we don’t need many words! He just wants us to speak from the heart, and he reminds us how close God is to us, even knowing what we need before we ask him. He also emphasises forgiveness, that as we forgive others, we will also be forgiven. Do we recognise any areas of unforgiveness in our life?
As we ponder this familiar passage, we may feel called to focus on one particular aspect of our prayer. Maybe it’s a greater awareness of God’s presence, humility, reverence, or surrendering to God’s will. Maybe for the grace of acceptance and trusting God with the day ahead. Perhaps in forgiving. Today, let us ponder the meaning of this prayer, and ask Jesus what he wants to speak to me today?