Thursday 25th of July

Feast of St James
 “Such an overwhelming power comes from God and not from us.”

2 Corinthians 4:7-15

In today’s reading, St Paul speaks of the paradox of how the message of Jesus is communicated through people like him, who are weak and the object of hatred and contempt. As Christians, we hold the treasure of our faith and relationship with Jesus inside of us, and are invited to share this with others. However, like clay jars, we are fragile and easily broken, yet it is in weakness that God’s power is revealed. St Paul speaks of the challenges he faced in his ministry, but says that in these sufferings, he is somehow mysteriously connected to Christ’s sufferings, and that because of the resurrection, he has hope that these sufferings are temporary and that newlifeisahead. Whatpartofthisreadingstandsout to me today? It could be a single word, or a small part of it. What does Jesus want to communicate to me today?

2024-07-25- Weekly Reading 3