Wednesday 24th of July
“A sower went out to sow.”
Matthew 13:1-9
Today, Jesus calls us to be sowers, channels of peace who scatter the seeds of God’s Word and blessings throughout the world. These seeds can transform lives, allowing people to encounter Christ and experience his love. However, it is up to everyone to decide whether they are ready to receive what Jesus offers.
We ourselves have experienced the transformation through the power of the Word. It revives us in times of spiritual dryness, offering hope, light, positivity, peace, and everything we need. Now, we are called to share these gifts with others so that Jesus’ unconditionallovecannourishthem. Towhomdowe want to spread the Word of God? Are we one of the sowers for Jesus who can share the Word of God with others? Are we willing to help Jesus plant the seeds of faith?