Saturday 8th of April
Holy Saturday
Peter said, “I have neither silver nor gold, but what I do have I give you….”
Acts 3:1-10
Peter was faithful in following Jesus, he opened his heart and life to God. His choices, his commitment to Jesus and his faith allowed this beautiful moment of connection and healing with the crippled beggar. Do we see the impact of what faith can do?
Or do we underestimate the miracles God can do through us? God looks intently and sees beyond what we ask for to what we deeply desire and need. As we experience and receive the healing power of God in our lives, like Peter, we can speak and act in God’s name to share His Life and Word with others. Peter took part in the community, moving towards God and others, he looked intently at others to see their needs. He acknowledged his limitations and God’s strength and gave from that space. He spoke and acted in the name of God and helped where he could. Which part of Peter’s process can we most identify with in our lives today? What stage are we at in living the mission?