Sunday 10th of March

4th week of Lent

 “God sent his Son so that through him the world might be saved.”

John 3:14-21

We enter our passage today part-way through a dialogue between Jesus and Nicodemus. Nicodemus is grappling with what he saw and heard of Jesus, trying to make sense of it. Nicodemus came to Je sus in the night in the darkness, not wanting to be seen as a follower of Jesus.

We too, at times, might grapple with our faith in Jesus. So we come to Jesus at night, trying to make sense of the gospel message without fully committing to it. However, we can only experience fullness of life in Jesus if we take the step of faith. Out of darkness into the light.

Where are we standing today? Are we in the darkness lacking faith? Or are we willing to step forward in faith and trust in God’s great love for us? Our reading reminds us that “God loved the world so much that he gave us his only son, so that everyone who believes in him might have eternal life.” Let us welcome and receive the salvation God offers us by walking in the light of Jesus’s word.

2024-03-10 Weekly Reading 6