Sunday 5th of January
The Epiphany of the Lord
“The visit of the Magi.”
Matthew 2:2-12
As we enter this new year, which star are we following? Today, we celebrate the Epiphany of the Lord. We see the wise men following the start to the place where Jesus lay. In our lives, too, we must follow the “star”, the signs God gives us that point us to Jesus. While there are many bright lights in the world that compete for our attention, we need to discern which star leads us to Jesus and follow it.
When the Magi found Jesus, they paid him homage and brought him gifts. How do we show our homage to Jesus? Which gifts are we bringing to Jesus today? Perhaps the greatest gift we could offer him today is an open, humble heart. Lord, we pray that today you may help us to follow the star of hope that rises before us and give us a generous, humble heart to lay before you.