Thursday 1st of June
“Go; your faith has saved you.”
Mark 10:46-52
In today’s reading, the blind man Bartimaeus calls out to Jesus many times, even though many rebuked him and told him to be silent. He continued calling out because of his faith in Jesus, and because of his faith, he was saved. Sometimes, we may also feel as though we are blind in our spiritual life, when we cannot see or understand. In these times, we are invited to trust in Jesus more, calling out to him who sees and understands, and listening as he speaks to us.
In this reading, the blind man is also an example to us of seeing and trusting with our heart. When we cannot see with our eyes and our mind/logic, we are invited to persevere in faith in Jesus who sees and knows all things. May we also hear the words “Go, your faith has saved you”.