Thursday 5th of December
“The wise man built his house on a rock.”
Matthew 7:21,24-27
At times, we all experience adversities and difficulties in our lives that may feel like the rain, floods and winds that blew and buffeted the house and threatened to destroy it. It is in these moments that we really see what is the rock and foundation of our life. Can we honestly say it is our faith in God, the one true rock, or have we built our life on other things instead?
Jesus tells us that those who listen to the word and act on it will be like the wise man who built his house on rock. As part of praying with the word of God, we are invited to assimilate it and live it out by practicing it. Today, let us choose to build our house on a solid foundation. Whatever happens, we pray that we may stand firm in faith in our strong and steady God who doesn’t change.