Thursday 4th of January
“No-one sins who has been begotten by God.”
1 John 3:7-10
At baptism, we become children of God, begotten by him. Like children resemble the likeness of their parents, we alsogrow to resemble God if we cooperate with his grace and allow him to work in our lives. The more united we are to God, the more awareness we will have of our sin in the light of his sheer goodness. How conscious are we of sin in our lives? Are we abiding in God?
Today’s reading reminds us that Jesus came to destroy sin. As Catholics, we have been gifted with the sacrament of reconciliation for the forgiveness of sins. As we begin this new year, we may take the opportunity to make a good confession or pray about our spiritual goals for 2024. What blocks are in the way of my spiritual progress? Today let us pray for the grace to abide in him today and all the days of our life.