Wednesday 14th of June 

“I have not come to abolish the Law and the Prophets but to complete them.”

Matthew 5:17-19

Today Jesus reminds us that he has not come to abolish any laws or teachings but rather to complete and fulfil them. What is important to Jesus is our fidelity to the law and how we live out the law, making sure love is always at the heart of all we do and say.

Through His word, we are spiritually renewed, transformed and strengthened. He fulfils our needs, giving us hope, security and all we lack. When we experience a personal relationship with Jesus, we gain new perspectives and have a strong desire to do mission for him. How willing are we to follow his path? Do we rely on him or our strength? Do we feel that our lives are complete with Jesus? What can we do for Jesus and his people?

2023-06-14 Weekly Reading 2