Tuesday 12th of September

“Jesus chooses his twelve apostles.”

Luke 6: 12-19

Jesus shows us how He approached His mission to evangelise the whole world. He knew that He could not do it by Himself, so He started by asking His Father for help. The Gospel writers have Jesus going to a mountain because choosing His apostles was one of His most important decisions. Then He spent all night in prayer, rather than waiting until He was in desperate need, and then making a hurried prayer.

Jesus also knew that He wanted to speak the Good News to all types of people, so He called apostles who were all different. He called fishermen, a tax collector and a zealot. All types of people from many areas wanted to listen to Him. How do we approach important decisions? Do we ask our Father in Heaven for guidance, so that we head in the right direction, or do we go our own way, end up in trouble and then call out to God? Jesus is also telling us that we might feel that we are not suitable to be called, but God made all types of people and He is calling us too.

Weekly Reading 1