Monday 11th of September
“Is it against the law on the Sabbath to save life?”
Luke 6:6-11
Our reading today follows on from Friday’s gospel. Jesus reminds us to have courage and compassion for those in need, even when it can inconvenience us. In Jesus’ time, the Sabbath was a day of rest, even from healing, yet Jesus made it a priority to heal an ill man. As a result, he was hounded because he broke the law.
There are many moments in our lives where we come across people who are suffering, lonely, grieving, abandoned, lost, and sick. Do we have the courage to go to their encounter? Or do we turn away? Jesus shows us he is always available to heal, love, and make us whole.
How are we offering his compassion to others and those we encounter? Yes, people may question and ridicule us, but let us be encouraged that by reaching out to attend to the needs of another, we are extending Jesus’ love and healing hand.