17th February 2023
“Anyone who loses his life for my sake will save it.”
Mark 8:34-9:1
Jesus said to his disciples and the crowd: “Anyone who wishes to come after me must deny their very self, take up the cross, and follow me. Two crosses await each of us in this life: the cross of the world and the cross of Christ. We have to choose. The cross of the world appears as a short-cut to happiness and at the start, easily carried. But it becomes heavy and more disappointing as time passes. Carrying the cross of Christ is not an easy route, difficult and challenging at the start. However, it gets easier, if carried faithfully, over the years. Eventually, this path will bring us endless happiness.
The cross has been the great symbol of Christianity since it first carried the body of Jesus on Calvary. We may “profess” to be Christian by taking up the cross and following Jesus. However, it is how we live our daily lives that is the true test of our Christianity. Are you a true and faithful follower of Jesus in your daily life? Or am you simply a “Sunday” follower of Jesus?
Jesus said to his disciples and the crowd: “Anyone who wishes to come after me must deny their very self, take up the cross, and follow me. Two crosses await each of us in this life: the cross of the world and the cross of Christ. We have to choose. The cross of the world appears as a short-cut to happiness and at the start, easily carried. But it becomes heavy and more disappointing as time passes. Carrying the cross of Christ is not an easy route, difficult and challenging at the start. However, it gets easier, if carried faithfully, over the years. Eventually, this path will bring us endless happiness.
The cross has been the great symbol of Christianity since it first carried the body of Jesus on Calvary. We may “profess” to be Christian by taking up the cross and following Jesus. However, it is how we live our daily lives that is the true test of our Christianity. Are you a true and faithful follower of Jesus in your daily life? Or am you simply a “Sunday” follower of Jesus?