Thursday 21st of December

 “Why should I be honoured with a visit from the mother of my Lord?”

Luke 1:39-45

In today’s reading, Mary goes out to visit Elizabeth. She went out in haste, because she had good news to share! God had fulfilled what he had spoken to her, and she was going to bear the promised saviour. What about us? Do we see how God has fulfilled his promises to us? Do we share Mary’s same faith in God?

It is an honour to have Mary in our lives, to know her as our heavenly Mother. She can teach us so much. She brought Jesus to Elizabeth while he was still in her womb, and she brings Jesus to us as well. She is a bridge for us when we need help with our relationship with God. Do we welcome her as she comes to us as well? Today let us speak to Mary and God, Jesus and the holy Spirit, about this passage and any particular words or phrases that stand out today.

2023-12-21 Weekly Reading 3