Friday 22nd of December
“The Almighty has done great things for me.”
Luke 1:46-56
Mary’s response to the loving action of God is to give praise and thanks. She is the lowly servant who acknowledged the favour of God, her Saviour, though she is the mother of the Saviour. This is the God of blessing who raises the lowly and brings down the powerful from their thrones.
The Magnificat is Mary’s mission statement as a servant of God. She is in continuity with the faithful people of the past and the faith story of her people. Mary gives us a model of prayer, rooted in the past but open to the future. The prayer personifies Mary’s confidence, generosity of spirit and invites us to give time to recognise and ponder on the gifts we have received, so that we can thank God for them. Perhaps we could write our own Magnificat and pray over it, recognising the great things the Lord has done for us and through us. Mary’s heart sings in praise of God her Saviour. For us to appreciate the gift of salvation we must first appreciate our sins from which we are