Sunday 21st of May
The Ascension of Jesus
“Go and Make disciples of all nations.”
Matthew 28:16-20
Today we celebrate the feast of the Ascension, the moment Jesus was taken up to heaven. This feast has two elements. On the one hand, we look up toward heaven, where Jesus now sits at the right hand of God. But also, we look around us and are reminded of the mission Jesus has entrusted to us.
Before Jesus ascended into heaven, he entrusted the disciples with the mission of going out and spreading the Gospel throughout the whole world. A mission that they were fiercely faithful to.
Today as we look to heaven, we too must look to the earth and recall the mission Jesus has entrusted to: us to proclaim the Gospel. Pope Francis also reminds us, “Each one, in fact, by the power of the Baptism that he or she received, is qualified in turn to proclaim the Gospel. Baptism is precisely what qualifies us and also spurs us to be missionaries, to proclaim the Gospel.”
Today, let us try and proclaim the Gospel to at least one other person.