Wednesday 19th of July
“You have hidden these things from the wise and revealed them to little children.”
Matthew 11:25-27
Sometimes our character may reflect similarities and likeness of our parents – how we speak, act or even smile. The same can happen in our relationship with Jesus. We can get to know God the Father through Jesus; Jesus shows us the Father through his unconditional love, mercy, forgiveness, compassion, and humility. The more we develop our relationship and spend time with Jesus, the more we know God authentically, and we can learn to be more like him.
While Jesus wants to reveal himself to us, we need to be humble and become child-like in our faith and trust so that we can hear him speak to us and recognise his constant love. WhenwedrawclosetoJesus,hecanalsorevealwhat is in our hearts – insecurities, pain, and doubts and he can help us work through these things. However, we must welcome Jesus with an open heart and be humble to surrenderandbuildanintimaterelationshipwithhim. Are we committed to following Jesus’ word? How is our relationship with Jesus these days? Do we allow Jesus to reveal his plans to us?