Thursday 6th of July

 “’Your sins are forgiven; get up and walk’

Matthew 9:1-8

In today’s reading, Jesus is accused of blasphemy for healing a paralytic man. He saw this man’s motives and desires, his physical need, and his faith. He also saw those who brought him to Jesus and was moved by this, healing him so that he could walk again and go home. Jesus is touched by a sincere heart and desires to heal and restore us. What is he telling us to rise up from? Where is he telling us to walk? Let us imagine ourselves in this scene and ask the Trinity to guide our prayer of this scene.

Do we come before Jesus and allow him to see into our hearts, our own desires and motivations? What does Jesus find there? Do we experience forgiveness here? Jesus, thank you for seeing us and loving us. Please heal us where we need healing, so that we too can walk in faith, hope and love.


2023-07-06 Weekly Reading 3