Tuesday 5th of November “Christ humbled himself but God raised him high.” Philippians 2:5-11 The world tells us that status and selfishness are the most important thing. “Look after Number 1!”, which is ourselves. St Paul tells us the opposite –
2024-08-23 Weekly reading 4
Friday 23rd of August “The commandments of love.” Matthew 22:34-40 Jesus kept things very simple for the Pharisees and Sadducees. When they came to test him about the “greatest commandment of the law,” he did not go into a lengthy
2024-08-22 Weekly reading 3
Thursday 22nd of August Our Lady Mother and Queen “Invite everyone you can to the wedding” Matthew 22:1-14 In today’s reading, Jesus compares the kingdom of heaventoaweddingfeast. Weareeachinvitedtothis wedding feast, and the choice is ours to respond. In the parable,
2024-08-20 Weekly Reading 1
Tuesday 20th of August “It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven.” Matthew 19:23-30 A teacher asked her students whether or not a
Weekly Reading 5
Saturday 16th of September “Whoever hears me builds his house on a rock.” Luke 6:43-49 Do we dig deep to lay our foundations or do we ask for God’s help and then move on without applying his response to our
Weekly Reading 4
Friday 15th of September Our Lady of Sorrows ‘A sword will pierce your soul too’ Luke 2:33-35 There is a price to be paid to follow Jesus. Mary paid a great price in becoming the mother of Jesus. The disciples
Weekly Reading 3
Thursday 14th of September The Exultation of the Cross “God sent his Son so that through him the world might be saved.” John 3:13-17 In today’s reading, John compares the lifting up of the serpent in the desert to Jesus