Monday 6th of May

 “And you also must testify, for you have been with me from the beginning.”

John 15:26-16:4

How many things can shake our faith? A discouraging homily, a friend’s insensitivity, and painful world events. However, in today’s reading, Jesus reminds his disciples that the Holy Spirit is coming soon to bear witness to all truth. Fortunately, we are already blessed with the Spirit in our hearts and minds. The Spirit encourages us in this very moment of prayer, reminding us that we are not alone, as God is always with us. Today, let us ask ourselves, who can we bear witness to? Do we choose to be witnesses of the Holy Spirit’s positivity and hope at work? Do we choose to bear witness to the Holy Spirit’s mercy and forgiveness in our family? Let us call on the Holy Spirit to help us live our lives guided by his presence.

Pope Francis reminds us: “The Holy Spirit is a “friend… a companion on the journey”, every day for everyone… Let us ask for this grace to accustom ourselves to the presence of this travelling companion: the Holy Spirit.”

2024-05-06 Weekly Reading 7