Sunday 10th of December

Advent week 2

“A voice cries in the wilderness: prepare a way for the Lord.”

Mark 1:1-8

As we enter into the second week of Advent, we are invited to reflect on this familiar passage “Prepare the way of the Lord.” As we know, advent, like Lent, is a time for inner conversion, change, and turning towards the Lord. In today’s passage, we see how John the Baptist was sent to prepare the people of Israel for the coming of the Lord. He was to invite them to a change of heart so as to be ready to welcome the Saviour and Messiah. Do we hear that voice calling out to us, inviting us to prepare the way for the Lord? How is the voice calling us to prepare? Do we need to straighten out certain attitudes, patterns of behaviour and thinking? Do we need to move away from superficiality, worldliness or pride?

Not only are we called to experience this internal conversion, we are also called to help others prepare for the Lord’s coming. Let us ask Jesus how we can help our brothers and sisters experience in a deeper way the gift of Jesus this Christmas.

2023-12-10 Weekly Reading 6