Saturday 1st of February 

‘Who is this that even the wind and the sea obey him.’

Mark 4:35-41

Who is Jesus for us? We are invited to reflect on this question in today’s gospel. Does Jesus’ identity change for us depending on the circumstances we find ourselves in? Jesus was for the 12 disciples their Lord and master; however, in the middle of the storm, they began to doubt his power and concern for their lives. “Master, do you not care? We are going down!’ How often do we proclaim Jesus as our Lord, friend, and saviour, but in times of trouble or storm, we can doubt and question if he is on our side and working for our good?

Jesus told his disciples to exercise their faith in him. He is also inviting us to do the same. When we do this, we can more readily experience his presence, love, healing, and salvation in our lives.

Weekly Reading 5