Saturday 9th of September 

 “The Son of Man is master of the sabbath.”

Luke 6:1-5

Today, we are invited to reflect on who or what we follow. The Pharisees questioned Jesus’ disciples about why they were working on the Sabbath. A narrow reading of the law in Jesus’ time saw “rubbing the corn in their hands” to get rid of the husks as illicit work if done on the Sabbath. For these Pharisees, obeying this law was more important than one’s need to eat.

Undoubtedly, we have all seen similar strict legalism at play, where one makes strict obedience to the law the greatest good and ultimate good. In this passage, Jesus reminds us that we are not following a law; we follow a person. This doesn’t mean that the commandments and laws of the church are irrelevant and not to be followed. But it does mean that we need to make sure we are always listening to the voice of Jesus and be guided by him.

Lord, we pray that you might give us the maturity and wisdom to know and do your will.

Weekly Reading 5