Thursday 18th of May

“You will be sorrowful, but your sorrow will turn to joy.”

John 16:16-20 

Jesus loved his disciples so much that he wanted to prepare them for his coming suffering and death on the cross. He warns them that in a while they will no longer see him, but later they will see him again. While they were confused about the meaning of this, Jesus’ words give them hope for those dark times where Jesus is no longer with them. When we are in difficult moments, it may be hard to see the light and the promise of joy that Jesus speaks of in this reading. Yet Jesus doesn’t say things he doesn’t mean, or make promises he will not fulfil.

Wherever we find ourselves today, the promise of Jesus is that joy awaits us after every sorrow. Today let us pray that we may experience the gift of this joy and unite any sorrows that may come up for us with Jesus who cares for us.

Weekly Reading 3