Thursday 19th of December
“’Your wife Elizabeth will bear a son.”
Luke 1:5-25
In today’s reading, we see that Elizabeth and Zechariah’s prayer for a child was finally answered, in a way that there would be no doubt it was God’s doing. In Elizabeth’s words, the Lord did this “at a timewhenhehasseenfit”. Yethowoftendowewant Him to fulfil our plans, our desires, our hopes, in our timing? Do we trust God enough to wait with patience, hope, faith, and holy indifference for his will to unfold in our life?
We also see the contrast between the angel Gabriel’s interaction with Mary and Zechariah. While Mary questioned with openness and faith, Zechariah’s question was full of doubt, and he became mute as a result. What is our attitude when we bring our questions to God? How can we practice more the openness and faith of Mary, even when we do not understand? Today let us come to God with humility and trust in His perfect timing.