Wednesday 18th of December
“How Jesus Christ came to be born.”
Matthew 1:18-24
Many of us can get caught up in preparing and planning for Christmas gatherings, shopping, and holidays and may then forget the true meaning of Christmas and the reason for Jesus’s birth.
Looking back, we see Joseph’s faithfulness to God; he listened to and obeyed God’s word by accepting Mary as his wife. God’s plans, far greater than we can imagine, involved sending Jesus into the world to save humanity.
Through Jesus, our sins are forgiven, we are redeemed, and we come to know God’s unconditional love. We, too, can be part of this story of salvation by praying, listening to, and following God’s Word. We can also help bring Jesus to others. What is the real reason for this season for us? Do we prioritise preparing our hearts for Christ’s coming? Are we ready to celebrate his arrival?