Tuesday 3rd of December 

Saint Francis Xavier, Priest

“No-one knows who the Son is, except the Father.”

Luke 10: 21-24 St Francis Xavier was one of the first Jesuits, which is the same order as Pope Francis. He is the patron saint of all foreign missions and visited many countries in Asia. He endured dangerous journeys and persecutions and ministered to the sick and to children. St Francis set up many communities in the 16th century which still exist today. He even set up a Christian community in Nagasaki in Japan that survived for hundreds of years with no contact with Rome.
St Francis was passionate about his faith and wanted people to be blessed like the Apostles. He wanted them to see Jesus and to hear the Good News. What is our attitude to our faith? Do we thank Jesus for choosing to reveal God our Father to us? We don’t have to be wise and intelligent and to know everything to be able to share the Good News. St Francis Xavier, please help us to have your faith that people need to hear about Jesus and that God can bless them through us.

Weekly Reading 1