Monday 12th of August
“They will put the Son of Man to death.”
Matthew 17:22-27
This passage reminds us that our lives will not end in death. If we live in Christ, we shall also rise with Him. We may be undergoing great trials and tribulations, but if we entrust all of them to the Lord who already suffered for us, we will find meaning in our lives. Unlike the disciples of Jesus, we are not overwhelmed with grief despite all the problems around us. We know Christ has already triumphed over suffering and death thanks to the empty tomb.
When Jesus mentioned his impending suffering and death, His disciples were “overwhelmed with grief”. Their feelings are understandable. Who would like to see a loved one suffer and die? Yet, they would understand later after the resurrection. As modern day followers, we are privileged to know that Jesus did not suffer and die in vain. Just as Jesus reminded His disciples of His impending arrest and death, He is also reminding us of our own death, that our life is short and that we should value every minute that we are breathing. How grateful are you for your gift of life?