Monday 27th of November

“The widow’s mite.”

Luke 21:1-4

In this passage, Jesus looks into the hearts of the people and saw the heart of the poor widow. She was so generous to give to God all that she had. Her generosity is truly admirable and shows the great trust she had in God, that he would provide for her.

How generous are we with our resources – our time, our possessions, our money, our talents or our gifts? Do we give our all and put our whole heart into the things that we do?

Despite our busyness and the difficult situations of the world today, we are called to give generously to our brothers and sisters like this widow. We are called to offer ourselves to others, trusting that God will provide for our every need. Perhaps we know of someone who needs our time or something we can donate that we no longer need. Our giving needs to be free and from the heart so that we may receive in God’s abundance.

2023-11-27 Weekly Reading 7