Wednesday 27th of September

“’Take nothing for the journey.”

Luke 9:1-6

It is a privilege to be chosen by Jesus to be his disciple, togoouttosharetheGoodNewsonhisbehalf. Tobe his faithful disciples, it is essential to stay connected with him, to pray, and to listen to his word so we can share with others the good news. Without him, we can do nothing. As disciples, Jesus reminds us to take nothing for the journey but him and his word. We must put aside our worries, self-centeredness, plans, pride, and prejudice and let Jesus guide us and provide us with what to say.

Do we trust that when we focus on Jesus, he will direct our path, relationships, jobs and mission? Do we say ‘Yes’ to the mission Jesus has called us to? Do we feel it is a privilege or a burden to share the word? Do we pray to stay in tune with Jesus?

2023-09-27 Weekly Reading 2