Friday 11th of October
“The finger of God has overtaken you.”
Luke 11:15-26
In today’s passage, when Jesus is accused of working his miracles in the name of Satan, he’s very clear that this is not the case. Every action of Jesus brings life, healing, restoration, and peace. This is clear evidence that Jesus’ authority comes from God. In contrast, the work of the devil brings brokenness, division, and harm. It is uncomfortable to speak about the reality of the bad spirit; however, we know that both good and evil exist in the world. And the bad spirit is always trying to get us on his side. Therefore, Jesus reminds us to be always on guard and vigilant to the bad spirit who seeks to take up our residence in our hearts, taking us away from God and his ways of love, fidelity, holiness, and purity,
Today, in prayer, let us dialogue with Jesus and allow him to take us on a tour of our hearts. Are there parts of us that need God’s healing and forgiveness? Let us never be afraid of opening ourselves up to the mercy of God.