Tuesday 31st of December
“The Word was made flesh and lived among us.”
John: 1:1-18
Why did Jesus come among us as a helpless baby? He could have appeared for the first time at the Transfiguration. The Jews would have been overwhelmed by the prophets and other people would have been awed by the glory of Jesus and the angels. Instead, God our Father chose to entrust the life and safety of His only Son to Mary, Joseph and other humble people, who were not seen as great in the world.
Do we appreciate the mystery of the Incarnation? Jesus was with God in the beginning and they made everything. But He chose to lower Himself to become a human, like us in every way except sin. We can reflect on the great privilege that Jesus offers us. He became flesh, so we can always go to Him because He understands us perfectly. Also, He trusts us as He trusted Mary and Joseph and He puts Himself humbly into our arms asking us to bring Him into the world through our daily lives.