Friday 27th of September 

“There is a time for every occupation under heaven.”

Ecclesiastes 3:1-11

We can apply today’s reading to our lives no matter what stage we are at. We may be at the planting stage where we are starting a new initiative. God is in our planting. Or we may be at the harvest time where we can see the fruits of our work. God is there too. We may be facing death and disappointment and break down. We can be hopeful because God is always with us. God spoke through the prophet thousands of years ago to tell us that there is a time for everything and that He has a plan for us.

What experiences can we see in our everyday lives? Are we weeping and mourning, or laughing and dancing? What is God asking us to keep and what should we throw away? Jesus, please help us to see you in all the times of our days and our lives. Be with us in all of our work and leisure, so that we can find God’s plan everywhere and in everything.

2024-09-27 Weekly Reading 4