Wednesday 20th November 

“No-one has come back to praise God, only this foreigner.” 

Luke 17:11-19  

Often, we only turn to Jesus in times of trouble, e.g. when we face health or financial issues or need his help with other matters. 

In our moments of joy and prosperity, we tend to forget him. Yet, Jesus’ love is unconditional, and his compassion for us is unwavering. It is up to us to approach Him in prayer, humble ourselves before him, and accept our reality. By doing so, we invite him to heal our spiritual wounds and guide us. 

This week, let us return to Jesus wholeheartedly, grateful for his mercy. He is always there for us. How strong is our faith? Can we truly connect with Jesus? Do we seek him and express gratitude? Are we willing to come to him as we are?

Weekly Reading 2