Tuesday 20th of August

 “It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven.”

Matthew 19:23-30

A teacher asked her students whether or not a jar of rocks was full. When they said “Yes”, she added pebbles to the jar and asked again if it was full. They said “Yes”, so she added sand. The jar was only full when she added the sand. Her lesson was that the rocks signify the really important things in our lives that we should prioritise first. As Christians we would make faith, hope and love our rocks. The pebbles are necessary things, such as work and study. The sand is all the everyday things that fill our lives, such as possessions, pleasures and the desire for status.

If we fill the jar of our lives with the sand of unnecessary things first, we will have no room for the rocks, which are important. Jesus is telling us that the people who fill their hearts with desires for material things will have no room for the Kingdom of God. But if we fill our hearts with the love of God and of our neighbours, He will increase our capacity for love and we will enter His kingdom now.

2024-08-20 Weekly Reading 1