Thursday 22nd of August 

Our Lady Mother and Queen 

“Invite everyone you can to the wedding”

Matthew 22:1-14

In today’s reading, Jesus compares the kingdom of heaventoaweddingfeast. Weareeachinvitedtothis wedding feast, and the choice is ours to respond. In the parable, the invited guests were many of the Jews, who rejected the invitation and even mistreated the servants. Then, the invitation is extended to everyone, including us. God’s invitation is never imposed or forced upon us, he respects our freedom more than anything. We are free to choose to come. What is God inviting me to today? How do I respond? DoIfeelfreetorespond,oraretherethings still holding me back?

Today, let us give thanks for the generosity of God’s invitation, and for being the one who says ‘invite everyone’! Great is his love, and great is his faithfulness! Today, let us humbly accept his invitation and speak to him about what this stirs in us as we pray.

Weekly reading 3