Monday 19th of June
“Offer the wicked man no resistance.”
Matthew 5:38-42
It can be very tempting to seek revenge from someone who has hurt us. While responding with retaliation might be a human response it is not the Christian response to hurt another who has hurt us. Instead, forgiveness is the only response, according to Jesus. While forgiveness does not mean becoming a doormat for someone’s abuse, often, we can find ourselves caught up fighting with others over small and insignificant matters, which can lead to broken relationships if not addressed quickly.
Jesus calls us always to seek the kingdom and strive to have him and his values at the centre of our hearts. Are we aware of the grievance we have towards others? Let us bring it before the Lord in our prayer and ask him how he wants us to respond. Let us ask for grace, wisdom and generosity only to react as Jesus would have it.