Monday 21st of August

“If you wish to be perfect, go and sell what you own.”

Matthew 19:16-22

Today, Jesus calls us to look at our hearts. And be open to change. Jesus makes the rich man aware of what prevented him from being perfect: his material possessions. He tells the rich man to give away his possessions, things he was very attached to, yet he is unwilling to let them go.

For us, it may also be material things that distract us from God or our emotional baggage, such as a grudge, resentment or anger, that leaves us feeling stuck. Jesus reminds us that we need to give everything we have to him, so we can live life freely to love and serve our brothers and sisters. Jesus wants to offer us a new way that provides hope, joy, peace and love.

What are things that hold us back from following him wholeheartedly? What are our unhealthy attachments? In prayer, let us open our hearts to Jesus and give all we have so that he can reveal where true joy and fulfilment are found.

Weekly Reading 7