Sunday 14th of May 

 “I shall ask the Father and he will give you another Advocate”

John 14: 15-21

 Jesus was aware that he would not be with his disciples forever, so he asked the Father for his Spirit he remain with the disciple. The Spirit, whom Jesus refers to as the Advocate, is the one who would defend them and work in them keeping them faithful to God and the words and message of Jesus.

The Advocate has been given to us also in baptism and confirmation and is working for our good, helping us to remain close to God. How blessed we are to have the Spirit of Jesus living and moving in us. If the spirit us Jesus is alive in us, then so too is his strength, courage, faith, and love. How do we experience the Advocate moving in us?

Jesus, we thank you for leaving us your spirit, for asking the Father on our behalf for this gift. May we always welcome and treasure the gift of the Spirit in our lives.

Weekly Reading 6