Sunday 2nd of February
The Presentation of the Lord and Sunday of the Word of God
“My eyes have seen your salvation.”
Luke 2:22-32
Today, the Church marks the sixth Sunday of the Word of God, a day instituted by Pope Francis on September 30, 2019, to emphasize the significance of Sacred Scripture. The theme for this year’s edition is taken from the Psalms: “I hope in Your Word.” This day supports the mission of our Verbum Dei community of prayer and service of the Word.
We can see how Simeon had hope in God’s Word that was fulfilled. He had been waiting for years to see the Lord’s Messiah. He represents God’s people Israel who had been waiting and hoping for hundreds of years for God to fulfill His promise of a Messiah who would come to save them. The great news that Jesus brought us was that He is the light, not only for the glory of the people of Israel, but also for revelation to us, the Gentiles. Thank you God our Father, for sharing the Good News of Your Son Jesus coming to save us. Please help us to bring Your Word to all nations.