Saturday 19th of August

“Do not stop the little children coming to me.”

Matthew 19:13-15

Maybe we judge certain attitudes, ideas, or thoughts we have as immature or childish. Perhaps we push them away or dismiss them or feel embarrassed by them. Like the disciples, we may see them as a bother and not what Jesus wants to see. Yet Jesus has a different perspective, he wants to welcome all of us, even what may be considered unworthy or a bother to other eyes.

Jesus opens his heart to not just our ‘grown-up; socially acceptable selves but our younger unruly, chaotic, impulsive, sulking, fearful childlike selves as well. When Jesus opens his arms to us, are we like the disciples, vetting who is and isn’t permitted to be held in his open arms, to receive his love? We can pray that we experience the depth and breadth of Jesus’ love for our whole selves, even the aspects that are often unwelcome by others or even ourselves.

Weekly Reading 5