Thursday 11th of May
“Remain in my love.”
John 15:9-11
In today’s reading, Jesus invites us to REMAIN in his love, and we do this by keeping his commands. How do we remain? To remain means to stay, to continue and not leave, even when we are tempted to give in, and even if others leave. Jesus gives us the freedom to choose to remain with him, or leave, just as he gave his disciples freedom. But as Peter said “To whom shall we go?” Where else can we find what we are looking for, apart from Jesus?
When we remain, Jesus says it is “so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete”. What does this mean for us? How do I experience this joy? We can talk to Jesus about this. Today, let us choose to remain with Jesus and remember his love, so that we may experience the promise of joy in this life and the next.