Tuesday 7th of March
“Hear, O Israel… you shall love the Lord, your God, with your whole heart,
and with your whole being, and with your whole strength.”
Deuteronomy 6: 4-9
This reading reminds us that the first and most important commandment is to love God with ALL our mind, heart, and strength. Emphasise the “ALL”, not part, not a little bit, but with all. We are called to give all of ourselves, all of the time – when we lie down and when we rise.
We can reflect on a time when we really wanted something. We may have saved up for something special or for an experience. We may have worked and studied for a result. We may have put our whole heart into a relationship. How did we feel when we reached our goal? If we receive something without any effort, we take it for granted. But when we achieve something after putting our whole heart into it, we prize it and take pride in it.
How do we feel about our relationship with God, do we truly value it because we have invested ourselves in it? Father, please help us to love you with all of our heart, being and strength, so that we will be wear our love as a sign for all to see and to share in.