Sunday 5th of March
“Lord, you have searched me, and you know me…”
Psalm 139: 1-24
How wonderful if we would believe with all hearts that we are known and loved by God! Our psalm today invites us to remember that God knows everything that we live and is not far from anyone of us. Sometimes, we can feel alone or invisible to others, but we are not invisible to God. He knows “when we sit and when we stand,” in other words, he sees us.
Today, let us practice living this life of prayer, talking with God and sharing with him about everything that we live, the joyous, painful, the highs and lows of each day; he is interested in our lives, and we are his children. And let us also practice listening to him. He is always speaking to us, wanting to guide and accompany us.
Lord, help us today to realise that prayer is not just an activity that we do in the morning; rather, it is an intimate sharing and living with you every moment of the day. Help us, Holy Spirit, to stay connected to God so we can experience the joy of his loving presence in our lives.